

  • Victoria Bukta -- Transistors and logical devices
  • Isabell Chan -- FSMs and binary math video
  • Ben Hu -- Memory
  • Kyle (Menglong) Ji -- Verilog
  • Trevor Ku -- Processor architecture
  • Denise Li -- Processor architecture
  • (Cornelia) Tianran Liu -- Sequential Circuits and FSM video 2
  • Brianna Luong -- FSMs and binary math video
  • Jason Mai -- Memory
  • Anisa Mohamed -- Assembly programming
  • Sasha Sirotkin -- Transcript editing
  • Harmandeep Sran -- Verilog
  • Ian Stewart-Binks -- Video curation
  • Janice Trang -- Assembly programming
  • Ben Waitzer -- Sequential Circuits and FSM video 2
  • Lucy Wu -- Transistors and logical devices