Alvaro Nosedal


  1. Nosedal, Storlie, Lee and Christensen (2012). Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces for Penalized Regression: A tutorial . (The American Statistician).
  2. Villagran, A., Huerta, G., Vannucci, M., Jackson, C.S. and Nosedal, A. (2016). Non-Parametric Sampling Approximation via Voronoi Tessellations. (Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 45, 1-20).
  3. Nosedal, Piera, Ruiz, and Nosedal (2014). An efficient algorithm for smoothing airspace congestion by fine tuning take-off times (2014). (Transportation Research Part C, Volume 44, July 2014, Pages 171-184).
  4. Nosedal, Jackson, and Huerta (2016). A new metric for climate models that includes spatial and field dependencies using Gaussian Markov Random Fields . (Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 2407–2414, 2016, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-2407-2016).
  5. Chun Man, Nosedal, Nosedal, Asgary, and Pantin (2019). Modeling provision of disaster mutual assistance by electricity utilities using logistic regression . (International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, in press).
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Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences       University of Toronto       Deerfield Hall      Mississauga     ON     L5L 1C6