CSC488H: Compilers and Interpreters


Welcome to CSC488H, Compilers and Interpreters. This course provides an overview of how languages are implemented. Over the course of the term, you will define a small domain-specific language and implement a compiler that implements the language.

Here is the course information sheet, which contains the course policies.

Course Structure

CSC488 is an interactive class. Each week, I'll provide a mini lecture and will lead a discussion on the week's topics in tutorial. Then, in the "lecture" section, we'll meet in one of the new Active Learning Classrooms (ALCs), and the TA for the course will lead an activity or workshop related to the course project.

Contact Information

Please make sure to visit the discussion board frequently for announcements and updates to the assignments and to ask questions about course content. For individual assistance, please talk to the instructor or TA during office hours or the Wednesday "lecture".

Course Staff: Michael Liut Andrew Petersen
Email: Email Andrew at click for
or use (anonymous) feedback
Office: Hack Lab (DH, floor 2) DH3096
Office Hours: W 9:15-10:45 M 3:15-4:45
W 9:15-10:45