Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematical and
Computational Sciences,
University of Toronto,
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
Email: aashra90 AT gmail DOT com
CV: Academic .
The Fields Institute Matroids Seminar 2022-23
Matroid theory, Polyhedral geometry and Hyperplane arrangements.
Matroid Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson cycles and Tutte activities with Spencer Backman, Proceeding of the American Mathematical Society to appear.
Eulerian polynomials for subarrangements of Weyl arrangements with Masahiko Yoshinaga and Tan Nhat Tran, Advances in Applied Mathematics (2021).
Another approach to volume of matroid polytopes (2018).
Character polynomials for two rows and hook partitions (2018).
Selected talks:
Matroid CSM classes and Tutte activities, International Workshop P-positivity in Matroid Theory and Related Topics, RIMS, Kyoto, Online Conference, October 4-8, 2021.
Eulerian polynomials for subarrangements, Arrangements at Home, Online Conference, May 5-6, 2020.
Cyclic flat approach to matroid polytopes volume, Recent advances in matroids and Tutte polynomials, Hokkaido Summer Institute, Hokkaido University, Japan, July 22-26, 2019.