CSC263H Request for Re-mark ==================================== READ THIS FIRST: We ask that re-mark requests are made as soon as possible after the work has been returned and you have noticed a problem. To request a test re-mark, fill out the form below in a text editor, attach it to your test, and return it to your instructor. In the "Reason for re-mark" section you must be specific and clearly state what part of your solution was correct, and was not graded correctly. Note that marks are awarded based on merit, not on need, so statements like "I worked really hard" or "I really need those marks" are unfortunately not good reasons. Also keep in mind, once submitted for remarking, we will consider remarking all the questions in your midterm. Moreover, your mark can decrease if the grader sees something that was incorrectly awarded too high a mark. ----------------------- form starts here --------------------- Date of Request: First Name: Last Name: Student ID: Email address: Reason for request: (Be concise and clear)